Saturday, August 4, 2018

The endtimes and the LGBT movement.

But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

Luke 17:28-29 King James Version (KJV)

28 Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;
29 But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.

What I'm about to write will not be popular in some circles, but it needs to be said. I'm 52 years old. I've seen a lot of changes in the world in my lifetime. Television, Computers, Cars, Trucks, Airplanes, etc have all become much more advanced and have improved greatly. The cell phones most of us carry have more computing power and are more accessible than computers that used to fill whole buildings in the 1960's. 
To find information 50 years ago, a person would have to go from library to library. There they could spend weeks, or even months, researching information that we can now find at the click of a mouse on our home computers- and in a matter of minutes. 
But, it seems the more technologically advanced we become, the more morally depraved we become. 
It used to be that if a politician said something, you could take it to the bank that they'd attempt to do what they said they would do. Now, they usually say what we want to hear to get elected and then go to Washington and do what they want to do (or what the lobbyist want them to do).  
Abortion used to be considered murder by most people. Now, they consider it a Constitutional right. 
50 years ago, if a man were gay, or a woman a lesbian, they was something very, very wrong with them in the eyes of society. Now, judges try to punish Christians who stand against their lifestyles. Also, the LGBT community is now starting to add a new letter- the letter P. They are embracing pedophilia (an adult having sex with a child), as normal. Worse, they're trying to make the rest of us accept it as normal, too.  
The world has gone crazy for sure. 
Unfortunately, according to scripture in 2 Timothy 3 and Luke 17, it's going to get far worse. 
But, what did Jesus mean when he said "as it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be in the days of the coming of the son of man?"
Well, all we can do is look at part of Lot's life and see what can be gleaned from there. 
The relevant passage begins in Genesis 19. A few things can be gleaned from this passage:  
According to verse 1, we are told that Lot "sat in the gates of Sodom." This didn't just mean that he was hanging out at the city gates. To be known as sitting in the gates of the city, in biblical phrasing, meant that you were actually a part of the city government and would sit with city elders to make community decisions together (Esther 2:19-23, 3:1-4; Psalms 31:23). So, Lot was a part of the government of the city-state known as Sodom. 
In verses 1-3, Lot meets the 2 angels and implores them to stay in his house for the night. In fact, verse 3 says that he "pressed them greatly" to do so. Why was he so insistent upon them to stay with him, rather than sleep in the streets as they said they planned to do? The next verses explain it. 
Verses 4-5 state that the local men of the city showed up banging on Lot's door. What did they want? They wanted Lot to bring the men out that they might "know" them. 
This was not a shaking hands over a BBQ grill event. Scripturally, when Adam married Eve and they consummated their marriage, it says "Adam knew Eve." No, these men were not asking simply to meet the angels and talk. They wanted to have sex- homosexual sex- with these angels. This is further proven by Lot's statement in verses 7-8, where he implores the men to not do so wickedly and even offers the seemingly less wicked opportunity to rape 2 of his daughters! 
It gets worse, as the men begin to attack Lot (again, a government official) because he wouldn't bring the angels out. They brazenly tell him that they are going to do to him what they had planned to do to the angels!
Not one time did Lot attempt to arrest the men, or even threaten to have the men arrested. Evidently, the laws of the city were so much on the side of the homosexuals that this would not have even been a possibility. In other words, though Lot thought of homosexuality as immoral, it apparently was not only legal, but it was protected by the law of the land. This is evidenced by the brazen acts of the city men who were trying to attack Lot and the angels. 
These men were so sick-headed that even after the Angels blinded them, they still felt around themselves, looking for Lot and the Angels, in an attempt to finish the ungodly acts that they planned to do! (verse 11)
Look at the direction the world is going, friends. First it was just gays. Then, it was gays and lesbians. Then, it became the LGBT movement. Then the government started trying to force us to accept their ungodly lifestyle as normal- even trying to make it okay for anyone to use the bathroom of their choice. Now, they've added a P to it because we're supposed to accept Pedophilia as normal. 
Unfortunately, it's going to get even worse. Jesus said the world would be so ungodly when he returns that it will look like Sodom and Gomorrah. It was legal AND protected there. A government official didn't have the power to stand up against it when they were threatening to rape his guests! 
We are fast heading down that road. 
So what do we do? Give in?
We stand against evil with every breath. We stand up for righteousness until the end. Some of us will pay dearly for doing so. But, in the end, if we will fight the good fight to the bitter end, it will be worth it to hear Jesus say, WELL DONE!!!