Image by <a href="">Jill Wellington</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>
13 And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket by his horns: and Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son.
14 And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovahjireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the Lord it shall be seen. (Genesis 22:13-14)
This is well-covered territory for most Christians, but God is a good God. More than that, God is a good Father. We are his children. As a good Father, the Lord knows he must take care of us.
I reiterate this as a reminder to myself and anyone else out there that needs to hear it again.
My family and I are in a battle. We are on a journey. But, in this journey, we have enemies.
Some of the enemies are our circumstances. I'm jobless. I'm 54. I'm on unemployment. Most businesses in this day and age have no interest in hiring a man my age.
First of all, a man my age needs a larger salary than a 22-year-old just out of college. I have established bills and a family to care for. Companies can pay the young college grad (I'm a recent college grad myself) far less than what they would pay me.
That's just 2 examples of the narrative that our society is pushing. Supposedly, 2020 has been declared the year of the woman. So employers are actively searching for reasons and ways to hire women over men.
Both of these, plus the Covid-19 economic mess has made it extremely difficult for me to find a job. Even looking for a job is more difficult now for us older folks. In my youth, you went to the place you wanted to work at, filled out the application, talked with the manager (many times before you left) and you at least left with an interview set up.
Now, companies get offended if you look for a job that way. "Can't you go to our website and apply like everyone else? We don't do applications in house." So, we're left with the cold, and impersonal cyber world. We go to the job sites, linked in, and company websites. But, usually, we don't even get a "thank you for applying" email.
It's very frustrating and disheartening.
Other enemies include the devil (who hates all Christians) and even some brothers and sisters in the Lord who do not like the way that we live or believe.
These folks actively send curses our way (not from God) by praying for us to fall flat on our faces. Supposedly, in their minds, if we fail, then it negates the scriptures that we live by and they are not responsible to line up with God's word in that department.
But, "Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over." (Psalms 23:5)
Take heart!
God says that when we are surrounded by enemies because we are his child, he will provide for us! He'll even give us a glorious picnic for us to eat while our enemy is kept at bay. All they can do is sit back and watch us eat it!
Also, in the process, the Lord will refresh our anointing and fill us to the point of running over again!
I'm not there quite yet, but he is providing for us. I know the refreshing is coming though- because he said so.
The enemy of our souls whispers, "you're going to lose everything. All is lost. You're God has abandoned you. You're going down this time." He tries to fill our minds with images of our pets and children starving, and we're homeless- having no way or place to go.
But, just like when Abraham was asked to sacrifice Isaac, if we will willingly say, "thy will be done," the long trek up the mountain will be worth it all. The Lord will make a way where there seems to be no way.
Abraham and Isaac climbed that mountain. Isaac was willing to be strapped onto the altar of sacrifice. Abraham was willing to strap him in and lift the knife.
Then God spoke.
There will come a time when God will look at our willingly offered sacrifice and speak deliverance into both my situations and yours.
When he does, we, like Abraham, will once again call him, Jehovah-Jireh- The Lord my provider.
Until then, let's just hold on to him and enjoy our picnic. Let the enemy watch us eat every bite. Because one day, victory will be ours because the Lord will free us!
Great message