Wednesday, October 26, 2022

...the Word of their testimony!

 Revelation 12:10-11

10 And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.

11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

Read these verses carefully. Opinions vary as to when this event will take place, or has taken place. But, did you catch the significant phrase in verse 11?

Satan is cast down to earth finally and totally. It says that we (the brethren) overcame him by a) the blood of the lamb, b) the word of our testimony, and c) we loved not our lives unto death.

I've been born again since 1990. 

One of the major parts of our services that used to happen was euphemistically called, "testimony service." 

People would stand and give testimony to what God was doing, and had done in their lives. Excitement would grow in the service as people would praise God for all he was doing in their midst. People's faith would grow! 

As a result, some folks would receive more miracles. Others would receive strength to push on through just a little longer, knowing that somehow, God would make a way for them, too- or at least give them the strength to carry the load. 

This used to be a big part of an Apostolic church service. 

While no one would've looked down on anyone who went to a doctor, it was understood that all healing comes from God, regardless of how he chose to bring it about. Thus, there were many more healings and many more personal miracles than we see now in our midst.

What happened? 

Somewhere along the way, leadership decided that:

a) services were too long and therefore some things needed to be cut out. So, at first, rather than letting people stand and testify as they felt led by God, the preacher would pick out a few that he would ask to testify. The message was clear, if I don't ask you, don't stand up and speak. Then, they stopped asking a few and brought it down to one. Finally, the testimony service, in most places, simply went away. After all, we got to keep the service short! 

Incidentally, the most powerful service I was ever in lasted six hours! And so much was going on that it felt like 30 minutes! Not one person complained about the length of the service. Everyone left excited about God and where he was taking us. There were songs, many testimonies, and many healings. Several received the Holy Ghost and all repented of our sins. 

b) Another reason testimony service was stopped was that the leadership had more control of the service and kept long-winded sister so and so from droning on about the same thing she talked about several times before. Sometimes, well-meaning saints would speak of things that could have been worded better or had been said many times before. This was embarrassing to the leadership, so they began to cut the whole service out. 

Now, most of our services are streamlined and very professional. But, the personal impact of what God is doing in brother or sister so and so's life- the person that we know- is lost. Yes, the music and the singing may sound better. Yes, the teaching is more professional sounding (especially since most places use Sunday School books printed by the organization) and is being taught by someone trained in how to do so. 

But, we're losing something in all this sleek professionalism. 

God's word says we overcome the attack of Satan in our lives, in part, by the word of our testimony. 

These testimonies lift the faith of us all-including the new person who knows nothing about what God can do! As faith rises, God responds and does even more in our midst. 

Church, stop worrying about the time. Let God decide how long the service will be.

Stop worrying about how sleek and professional we look and sound. Some of the greatest moves of God have started with a stuttering saint who can't carry a note, but God shone through and a move of God was born! 

The early church was filled with the power and glory of God. And most were uneducated and decidedly non-professional. Yet, they turned their world upside down because they stepped back and allowed God to move.

Now, we have very little of the power of God but we're all educated and professional. 

The secret to Biblical revival is prayer, prayer, prayer, and more prayer! They prayed until God moved. Then, they told people how God had just moved. Then, they prayed some more! 

Let's follow the same formula and watch God turn our world upside down! 

In other words, as the old saying was, it's time to "let go and let God!"

Saturday, October 22, 2022

A heart problem


Isaiah 53:6

All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.
Matthew 15:8
This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.
This world is getting crazier and crazier. 
In my grandparent's generation, killing a child on purpose whether in or out of the womb would have been unthinkable. Now? Many consider it a Constitutional right to murder a baby in the womb- and some even advocate that we should be able to kill a child up to 2 years old for any reason at all! Never mind that children are a precious gift from God no matter the situation or how the baby got there.
In my generation, it was still considered taboo to be gay- and it was still a crime in many states. Now, not only is it not criminal to be so perverted, it is considered criminal to speak out against anything LGBTQ in many places. It doesn't matter that these lifestyles lead to death, depression, disease, etc, we're supposed to stand back and approve. 
I learned the other day that a young girl I know through my work is proudly moving to another town soon to "move in with her boyfriend." I couldn't help but think, "Doesn't anyone get married anymore?" 
Everyone is hollering about their own rights to do what they want, politicians are promoting crazy policies, and people are killing each other over stupid stuff. 
What has happened? How did our once somewhat pure society get this bad? 
The answer is a simple one:
"All we like sheep have gone astray..." 
We've turned from the principles of God and turned to the principles of "if it feels good, do it."
Everyone keeps pointing to Government, education, philosophy, and new ideas as ways to protect our society and keep us going. But those are the very things that have gotten us this bad off in the first place! 
The early church was largely uneducated and somewhat poor. But they followed Jesus and experienced and lived his truths. As a result, they changed the world they were living in into a much better place. 
Now, we have educated preachers and teachers in churches in almost every corner of the western world, but can't seem to do anything to stop the deepening decay of our world.
To use an argument the gun rights people use (and I agree with), we don't have a gun problem. We don't have a law problem. We don't have a drug problem. We don't have a crime problem.
We go to church to check our religious blocks and say we are believers. Yet, we spend our days and nights pushing things that God says are abominations! We allow music and movies into our lives and homes that promote all the ungodly things that drove God to go to the cross in the first place! 
We can't change our world through political action- though we should vote.
We can't change our world through programs and policies- though helping people is never a bad thing. 
But as an old-time Pentecostal preacher once preached- WE NEED TO KEEP THE MAIN THING THE MAIN THING!  
What is that main thing? 
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
We need revival! We need an old-time move of God to sweep over our world and bring us to real repentance! 
The real answer to all our ills is found on our knees!
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
If we want to see people being kind to one another, helping one another, and living the kind of lives the scriptures say we should, it starts with us falling on our faces before our merciful God in real repentance!
Repentance is not saying, "God I'm sorry," and then continuing to do the same things! 
Why are young people leaving the church in droves? Because they're looking for something real that they're not finding in the religion they're being given. 
But, if we will fall on our faces and let God clean us out and refill us with his powerful Spirit again, then start living what we're teaching- then we will begin to see people begin to turn to Jesus again! 
Why? Because they will see him living through us! They'll see the changes he's making in us! They'll see the miracles of the Bible coming to life before their very eyes! 
Come on church!
Stop playing politics and vying for tax dollars, bigger buildings, and religious degrees! 
Start praying! REALLY PRAYING for God to cleanse us- and then the world around us! 
He's the answer that our world needs- but they won't see it unless we begin to pray and truly repent! 
For God's sake, and for the sake of our world, let God change our wicked hearts! Let him turn our hearts of stone into hearts of flesh once again! 
The God of the universe became a man and allowed his own creation to nail him to a cross made of wood he created, using nails made of metal that he spoke into existence, all to shed the cleansing blood that his righteousness required to save us from our own sins! 
He gave his all and defeated death in order to allow us a way to become the sons of God! 
What we've given him lately is far far less than he deserves! 
Let's give him our all! Let's truly let him live through us! 
Let's truly Repent and turn back to him and his ways! Then, let's watch the changes he brings to a lost and dying world!