Monday, May 11, 2020

I'm troubled about many things in these troubled times. Please join me in prayer.

I have my own personal issues that I could probably fill several pages up with. But, I'll make it short and sweet. Please pray for my family.

Looking around at the broader picture is even more troubling.

There are people running scared to death worried about a virus that has a much lower kill rate than the Flu. I'm not advocating foolishness, but who do you put your trust in? God? Or the Government?

If your faith is in man's government, get ready to be very disappointed! As Reagan said, "The scariest words in the English language are "I'm from the government and I'm here to help." If the Government is our help, you can bet it will put them even further in our pockets and lives- and it will come at a very steep cost!

If God is who you trust, then keep praying and let him have control. He's busy working everything for our good and his glory. So, just hold on, help is on the way! Count your blessings. How many times has he made a way where there seems to be no way?

One time we were in desperate need and God sent a little old lady over with a sack full of groceries to feed our young family! One time we were so in need, my wife and daughters were out in an abandoned yard picking Raspberries and Blackberries, when a church van full of food showed up in our driveway! One time my wife and I weren't working for 6 months (not by choice) and God kept us fed, clothed, sheltered, gas in the car, etc for 6 months! Whatever you're going through, rest in him! He will make a way!

There are powerful people within our government that are trying to use this virus crisis to crash the economy in order to 1) steal the upcoming elections and 2) even go so far as to completely convert our nation to a Socialist nation! And many people do not know how bad this would be!

Look at Venezuela. They had a democratic government and a thriving economy. The people were promised lots of government freebies if they voted in a socialistic government. They did. Now, a dozen eggs cost them a month's wages! It's horrible!

There's no such thing as a free lunch. Someone has to pay for it. If we go full socialism, say goodbye to free speech. Say goodbye to freedom of the press, freedom of religion, freedom to own things yourself- even freedom of your own bank account. There will be no more freedom to work hard and make your own way and care for your family!

We now have a government that is willing to let hundreds of people go to a business but will only allow 10 inside of a church. They close churches and allow abortion clinics and liquor stores to stay open? Does any of this make sense to anybody?

As Reagan said, if we lose freedom here, there is nowhere else to run to. America is the last bastion of freedom left on earth.

On the flip side, there are those who are ready to go to arms to fight the government because of the acts of tyranny the Government has already done. I understand this. I even to some degree support it, if necessary. But, we better be very sure there's not a better way to do this before we start pulling triggers.

There's no such thing as a clean war. Evils are perpetrated on all sides. Many thousands would die- and not just of bullets, but of starvation and pestilence. And even if we went to war and won, who's to say the government we end up with won't be worse than the one we fought? When one set of humans defeats another, there's a tendency to try and keep punishing the losers and buckle down on the winners to be sure they won't turn into being like the losers were.

Yes, there are many changes that should and need to be made, but those changes must start in the hearts of men. And only God can make those changes.

Trusting the courts to make changes is like rolling dice to win a dollar. Many times you don't get the results you hoped for.

Trusting elected officials to make the necessary changes is a bit like asking the mob to stop pushing gambling. Politicians have a vested personal interest in the Government complex growing and getting bigger.

Trusting company's to do the right thing is just as much a fools errand as trusting politicians. Corporations are after one thing and one thing only, the almighty dollar. And they will do whatever they believe they need to do to people in order to secure ever larger pieces of the monetary pie. Companies are even now having farmers throw away perfectly good food products in order to keep the prices higher during this crisis.

No, you cannot force change. You cannot legislate change. The only true and lasting change must come from the heart. And the only being capable of truly changing the hearts of man is Jesus (God almighty).

So, join me in praying for our families, our communities, and our nations! In truth, Jesus is the only hope we have! And only Jesus can be trusted to make the necessary changes in the hearts of mankind that will help everyone.

Pray, people pray. If we pray, we have hope. If we do not pray, we have no hope. Pray like you've never prayed before!

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