Saturday, July 4, 2020

Let go!

We have 7 dogs and a cat in our home. As such, sometimes we find ourselves battling fleas. This morning, one was on my shirt. Della was trying to catch it. I pulled back on the material (thinking to help her) and it wasn't long before she said, "Let go." I was confused. Let go of what? So, she said it again, "Let go." I finally realized that she had meant to let go of my shirt.

But, it dawned on me, How many times do we do God that way? 

He's trying to help us with a problem and he keeps saying, "let go." Yet, we keep holding on to it. 

It could be a sin. When he tells us to repent, he's essentially telling us to let go of the sin so that he can take it away and wash us in his blood. That way, we can be holy in his sight.

It may be a situation that we're trying to fix. God sees it. He knows how to fix it. He keeps telling us to "let go." Let go of our lost children. Let go of the job situation. Let go of our political anxieties. Whatever it is, when we hold onto it with our hands, we don't allow him to step in and take control. 

More often than not, the harder we try to fix it, the worse the issue becomes- and the more aggravated we become. Why is it so hard for us humans to trust God with our troubles? He tells us to "cast all (our) cares upon (him)." (1 Peter 5:7)

Sure, he could force us to let it go. But, God wants us to willingly release to him what we are holding in our hands into his all-powerful and all capable hands. That way, when he fixes it, we stand in awe of his amazing handiwork. But, when we stubbornly try and turn the problem this way and that way, he just sits back and watches us- waiting on us to come to the end of ourselves. 

When we finally reach the end of ourselves and realize that our efforts are truly doing nothing to fix anything, then we will finally give it to him. Much like a toddler who is trying to take something apart finally looks up at the parent and says, "help," we lift the problem to God. He smiles, takes it from us, and corrects the problem as only he can. 

What an awesome Father we have. He loves us and is ready, willing, and able to take care of whatever needs to be taken care of. 

So, whatever the problem in our lives: a sin, a sick loved one, a job, political worries, wedding plans, etc., we need to give it all over to him. God is well able to fix the problem. And he's ready to take it out of our hands and make something beautiful out of it. 

When we do, we'll be amazed at the end result for he truly does all things well.

Matthew 11:28
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

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